Home Content6 Easy Steps to Being Fabulous

6 Easy Steps to Being Fabulous

Published : November 08, 2015

When was the last time you told yourself, “I am fabulous”?

by : Jacqui Easton

You are fabulous, really you are.  Believe me when I say you are fabulous.  Believe you when you say it.  Try it for yourself and see what happens in your life.

What makes you fabulous is realising that you are already and that you do not have to do anything.  It is about being all of who you are.  Being fabulous is a mindset - it starts in your mind, knowing that you are fabulous.  Why?  Because you were born!

Here are six easy steps to being fabulous - all day long:
  1. Celebrate Your Self Today - You are Fabulous Already

Bring on the party for one!  Welcome yourself into your life with open arms, and build a ‘connection of kindness’ - build a friendship with yourself that is kind and gentle.  Accept and appreciate yourself in this moment - inside your mind and your outside body.

Being fabulous is about celebrating, acknowledging and claiming our own individual self - the unique person who was born special and is enough as she is right now, today.  As we get older, we can simply forget to celebrate our uniqueness and become focussed on others.  I call this the ‘compare and despair’ stage.  When we compare our insides and outsides to others, we despair because we never feel we are enough. 

We can easily overcome this with three baby steps every day:

1.         Accept you are special.

2.         Develop your talents.

3.         Celebrate your importance

When we do this, we show up as our truthful self and we glow in the world.  Now that is fabulous!

  1. Compliment Your Self All Day Long

You have a choice about what you want to think of yourself all day long - it can be high value thinking, called ‘million dollar thinking’, or low value thinking which is ‘one dollar thinking’ about yourself.  Sometimes we feel we have no choice, and that life is what it is, and life loses its spark.  This is when we get stuck in self-criticism, which is the biggest block to sparkling.

To give yourself the most instant confidence boost, have million dollar thinking all day long.  When you think you are valuable and special, you have a high sense of worth.  Swap One Dollar Thinking for Million Dollar Thinking.  Give yourself self-compliments, and watch your self-worth climb high and see yourself ‘glow and go’. 

Lose the self-commiseration and bring on the self-celebration.  Start thinking, “I am fantastic inside and out as me”, even if you don’t believe it at first.  With practice, you will believe it - and so will everyone else!

  1. Choose to Be More of Who You Are

We are born fabulous and we stay that way at every age - whatever our circumstances in life.  Along the way, we experience highs, lows and in-betweens.  Everyone travels in and out of these life events, and it is what we see in ourselves that affects how brightly we shine.  Being honest with ourselves sets in motion the truth, which is that we are always fabulous.  Even when we know in our heart that maybe we could have been kinder, it is still our truth, because the experience leads us to be more honest with ourselves - which sets us on a brighter path.

This is being fabulous in our everyday life - owning who we are, feeling the ups and the downs of life, and always in a way that will honour and respect ourselves so that we are more of who we are.

Others can help to brighten or darken our path.  It is our choice to decide what we want.  To help you decide, ask yourself, “is this going to help me to be more of who I am, or less?”  Saying yes to being you will keep you fabulous.

  1. Here’s More Time For You - Say Yes to You

Finding more time for you is about saying yes to you and no to others.  So all you have to think is, “I now do more for me and less for others”.  You may ask yourself, “can I really do that?”  Yes, you can!  Why?  Because you are worth it and you are essential to your life.  Keeping yourself alive and nourished so that you feel fulfilled and whole, allows you to overflow with energy and vitality so that you can give to others from a place of want, rather than obligation.

Finding time for you is about setting up boundaries of respect with yourself and with others.  We all have boundaries with ourselves and others.  The question is, “are they boundaries of respect or boundaries of disrespect?”  People treat you in the same way you treat yourself.  ‘No’ is the magic word that helps you to set boundaries which enable you to fill up on the inside, and enjoy others who respect and honour you.

  1. Get Yourself Noticed and Appreciated - By You

Acknowledge your individual self as a person - as a woman - in addition to being a parent, friend, partner, relation, employer/ee.  Recognise all the different parts of you.  How you feel about who you truly are will directly impact how you feel in the other parts of your life.  A strong sense of self strengthens the other parts of your life.

The best way to feel appreciated and loved is to start by doing this for yourself.  When other people see you doing this, you teach them how to treat you, they learn that this is the boundary of respect and they know what you will or will not accept.  It’s amazing the differences that happen in your life when you start treating your individual self with kindness - others will follow, some will leave and new ones will appear.

  1. Choose The Balance With Your Self and With Others - You Decide

Finding a balance that allows you to be your true individual self, and also be involved with others as a parent, partner, friend, relation, comes from you realising that you have choices - a choice to be more of who you are, not less.  You don’t have to put yourself on hold and wait for your ‘turn’ - you only have now.

Developing relationships you want is about finding the balance between your individual needs and those of others in your life.  Finding this balance is essentially about making choices that help you to be more and more of who you are.

These are choices that:

Honour you, and others.

Respect you, and others.

Show kindness to you, and others.

Celebrate you, and others.

Nourish you, and others.

Being fabulous all day long is a process which involves you building a friendship with yourself and, like any friendship, it takes time but the wonderful result is that you find the real you.

Live in today.  You are precious.  Your health is the richest gift.  Treasure you.  Honour your gorgeous self.  Keep loving and caring for the jewel that you are. 

Love, Enjoy and Celebrate Being All of Your Fabulous Self.

Enjoy More Spark.  More Time.  More You.  More of What You Want.


Jacqui Easton is an author and life coach and can be contacted at jeba@iinet.net.au or www.crownside.com

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