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Back to Beauty Basics

Published : June 05, 2015

Tried and tested beauty secrets that save time AND money.

by : Vanessa Henderson

Decisions decisions!  Our everyday lives are full of them.

When it comes to the world of beauty, looking radiant and feeling your best, the host of lotions and potions gracing the shiny retail shelves and glossy magazines often spans a mile long.

There are also the never-ending lists of dos and don’ts and of course the outside influences, (grandmother's pearls of wisdom, lamenting that she only ever needed Oil of Ulan).

Making the correct ‘cabinet decision’ for your greatest assets can be as confusing as deciding on whether you opt for a long macchiato, a soy latte or the simple yet kickstartlingly effective flat white!

The choices are endless however; the most effective remedies are all about getting back to basics.

Take a few old favourites, add some new whipped wonders to your wishlist and maybe, just maybe you’ll have the perfect beauty antidote that not only preserves the trusty credit card, but saves us all the most precious commodity of all - time!
Clean and Clear

Clean skin is beautiful skin, and no matter what your skincare misdemeanours past or present, a good cleanser is an essential.  Get to know your own skin-type that will change seasonally, with any new lifestyle changes as well as with hormonal changes (yes, that old chestnut!)

Inside out!

Don’t forget, our skin is a good indication of what’s going on inside – and the Japanese have always sworn by starting their day with a glass of warm water with lemon.

This not only kick-starts the metabolism ladies, it provides a youthful glow that simply screams health and well-being.

Pleasantly Plump

Before you shower, apply a rich moisturising mask or thick layer of moisturiser. The moist heat helps the mask plump up fine lines and creases temporarily.

Apply a heavy layer of lip balm or even Vaseline to the lips.  At the end of the shower, use a warm damp washcloth to gently massage off both treatments.

To Serve and Protect

Sunscreen is vitally essential for preventing sun damage and lowering your risk of developing skin cancer.  Many skincare lines have facial moisturisers with SPF already included; they offer a more luxurious, makeup- friendly texture than traditional sunscreens.

If you use only one product, sunscreen should be it.  Many daily moisturisers protect with a high SPF factor, while they treat and smooth skin with alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) and vitamin C - practically the perfect all-purpose face lotion and base for your foundation.

Hide and Seek

A dab of yellow or skin-tone concealer on bluish under-eye circles is the quick fix.

Stay away from lighter skin tones or white coverups, as they will only draw attention to problem area.  Remember also that the more water we consume, the better our circulation is.

Dark circles under the eyes can be an indication of poor circulation and dehydration.

Keep make-up minimal

Gone are the days of mask-like make-up that should be stocked on the shelves of a hardware store.

Go easy on foundation and powder and get some assistance in choosing the correct consistency, texture and colour.

A word of warning ladies, if you try different shades in-store, beware of the false lighting, pack your compact mirror and head out into the natural light for a true indication of your skin’s perfect fit.

Go Pink

Opt for a soft blush and a lipstick colour like pink, rose or red, to look alert and refreshed.

Stay away from browns and beiges as they can cause you to appear a little tired and sometimes drawn and remember to keep textures creamy to enhance your natural features.

Eye cream

The skin under your eyes is more delicate and dry than the skin on the rest of your face. 

It's wise to invest in a good eye cream, which treats the eye area with more emollient moisturisers.  Some eye creams even claim to minimise dark circles and temporarily tighten fine lines.

Body lotion with alpha-hydroxy acids

A lotion with skin-sloughing AHAs smoothes your whole body, including hands, feet, arms, and legs.  For tough dry spots, apply extra lotion before bed and let it soak in while you sleep.

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